90 minutes
He was the most powerful man after De Gaulle, and even today his name makes his enemies shudder. This film traces the extraordinary and enigmatic career of Jacques Foccart, the "Mr. Africa" of Presidents De Gaulle, Pompidou and Chirac. Manipulator of a mysterious and protean network, he made independent sub-Saharan Africa his reserved domain for 15 years. Under the instructions of De Gaulle, he decolonized French Africa with his "feet on the brakes", transforming the former colonial empire into an "independent" vassal. He founded a true parallel state between Paris and the African capitals, an empire that gradually cracked before finally collapsing in 2002 in the bloody implosion of the Ivory Coast. Traced by direct witnesses and archive images, the life of Jacques Foccart still raises many questions today ...
written by Cédric Tourbe and Laurent Ducastel
directed by Cédric Tourbe
edited by Mathieu Blanc and Cédric Tourbe
written by Cédric Tourbe and Laurent Ducastel
directed by Cédric Tourbe
edited by Mathieu Blanc and Cédric Tourbe
narrator : Emmanuelle Devos
produced by K'IEN, Maybe Movies, INA
broadcast by Planète and Public Sénat
broadcast by Planète and Public Sénat